The officers of fire of said Chicago an exploded house in the neighborhood of Lawn of the city of west before 7 in the morning Sundays. Two people in the house were injured. The police of said Chicago that they were the woman in its years 50 and a man in its years 40.
A married couple was taken to a hospital in the condition criticizes after an explosion of apparent gas leveled their Sunday morning of aside Southwestern house.
The 1 house of history of ½- in the 6600 pads of Keating Avenue of the south in the neighborhood of Lawn of west exploded about 6:30 o'clock, according to the authorities of police and fire.
A woman in its years 50 and a man in its years 40 was in the house to the time and in the burns of second suffered degrees. They were taken To Recommend Christ Centers Medical in the Lawn in oak in the condition criticizes, according to the Fire Matters Multimedia Director Larry Langford.
The house the directly south of the flattened house had holes in the windows of roof and explosion, as did the just building to the north of him. The houses on or the side of the house where the arrived fire is currently uninhabitable, according to Langford, that noted that the houses are the brick and could well be repaired that.
An hour after the explosion and the fire, the odor of natural gas always led for the pads around the house. The crews of the Peuplades Gas were seen going the door to the door at least a pad far.
The fire was scratched and the scene obtained by about 7:35 o'clock, but the personnel of fire and police remained at the scene.
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